Mobile SEO is a moving target of new rules and recommendations that don’t always hold up once businesses implement them and see results.
Here are 5 tips to help you do mobile SEO successfully.
Tip 1: Make sure you have a mobile website – and it is good!
If you don’t have a mobile website, then start by creating one before anything else. This will ensure that your business is still viewable to those on mobile devices.
Tip 2: Choose your mobile keywords carefully – they are different than desktop keywords!
For example, if you had “coffee beans” as a keyword on your website, then doing coffee beans on a search engine on your phone wouldn’t work. Instead, you would have to do a search for “coffee beans near me”, with that search term, you would show up if your business happens to be nearby.
One quick way to check your mobile keyword strategy is to type it into Google on your phone and see what comes up. If it is what you expect, then great! If not, you may want to adjust your strategy.
Tip 3: Optimize for local – Google knows where you are!
If someone has the intention of finding your business nearby, then local SEO can provide a huge boost by doing things like putting the name of the city in the title or having information about your business in the description. So if you had a bike shop, then your title might say “Pedals Bike Shop – Seattle Bike Sales” or if you are a plumber then the description might have something like “Plumber in Seattle – Fast 24-hour service”
Tip 4: Make sure that Google knows how to find your website on mobile devices!
Google has made a lot of changes to make it possible for mobile searches to get higher rankings. Things like responsive design, having content more likely to be read on cell phones and lots of other factors can rank well with Google. For example, search engines prefer websites without Flash so that they work well on everyone’s phone. It’s also good practice to make sure your website works well on smartphones and tablets. If a website is designed for small screens, then it won’t work well on the larger screens of mobile devices.
Tip 5: Understand that with Google’s mobile-friendly update, everything you do online may be searchable on your phone!
For example, if you have an online appointment book and you have appointments listed in that book and your phone or tablet can read those entries, then you may want to consider putting them on your website instead of having the client call. This way, everyone from the search engine user to the person who picks up the phone will be able to find what they need when they need it!
So there you have it, some tips to help you do mobile SEO successfully. By following these tips, you can make sure that your business is well-positioned in the search results on Android and iPhone devices.
Understanding Mobile SEO
A lot of people have never heard of Mobile SEO. I completely understand that because the word “SEO” is sometimes seen as a black art that only experienced search engine optimizers can achieve. Not true! There are some very simple things you can do right now to get started with Mobile SEO. It’s not going to be easy but it will be worth it!
The first step is an obvious one: you need to have a website that is mobile-friendly. By mobile friendly, I mean that it is a website that loads quickly and efficiently even on a mobile phone. If you don’t have a mobile version of your website, you’re going to have a hard time doing Mobile SEO. If you don’t have a website, start here:
That will get you to the mobile version of your site. It doesn’t have to be fancy or informative (unless it needs to be) but it does need to load quickly and easily so people can use it with their smartphones.
Now that your site is up and running, it’s time to start thinking about what needs to be done to boost your rankings on the search engine results pages. Most of it is simple common sense but there are a few things you need to keep in mind.
Here are some of the mobile-friendly plugins you might want to consider trying out:
Google’s Mobile PageSpeed Insights Tool:
This is an easy-to-use online tool that will tell you how fast your site loads up on your browser. The more quickly your website loads up, the more likely people are to click on it when they’re looking for something in particular!

This is a powerful mobile testing and speed optimization software whose results can guide you toward possibly missed opportunities for optimization.

W3C Compliance Check:
This free online tool checks to see if your website has any errors in the HTML coding that you need to fix to make it mobile-friendly.

Your Keyword Strategy Matters!
“Keywords” are the words people type into search engines when they want a specific kind of result. For example, when someone types “pencils” into Google’s search bar, they’re looking for pencils (as opposed to pens or crayons). If a search engine doesn’t know what they’re looking for when they type “pencils”, that search engine won’t show any pencil related results on their results page.
On the other hand, a strategic keyword such as “Best SEO Company India” or “Best SEO Company near me” can be identified by the Search Engine easily.
Mobile searchers have very different needs than desktop searchers so it’s important to be able to accurately identify which keywords will work best with them. Ideally, this is done by testing your site on mobile devices before launching it.
SEO Keywords
Mobile searchers will look for keywords on their phones wherever and whenever possible. They probably won’t type keywords into a search engine, search for them on Facebook or post them on Twitter. So your keywords are going to be out there, plain as day, and you need to find them! You can do this through a number of different methods including:
Google Search Console:
This is the easiest way to see what keywords are actually ranking on your site or blog. You can use it both on the Web and on your mobile device.

Google Analytics:
It takes some time to get used to this one but it opens up a world of information through which you can see how people on various devices are interacting with your site, blog, or app.

Google Keyword Planner Tool:
This one is a bit more complicated than some of the others on the list but it allows you to see what keywords are available and their search volume in exact numbers. If you want to know exactly how many people are searching for “pencils” every month, this tool can tell you that!

Keyword tool:
This tool allows you to see the search volume for different keywords and their cost (how much it will cost you per click if you wanted to advertise on that keyword).

Consider these tips while hiring SEO services in India if you want your website to perform better on Search Engine. When paired with additional optimizations, these aspects can have a considerable effect on the user experience and speed of your site in organic search results, even though they may appear as incremental gains when evaluated separately.